Thursday, 25 September 2014


your appearance will be a picture of yourself in the eyes of people

accordance with the development, the which is where the new industry growing industry in various countries with the aim to promote the industry of each country in the eyes of the world. The thing that Became very popular in the eyes of the public is increasing dramatically along the way dressed man with the change of time and little by little will leave the appearance clad in a previous era that is now called the modern era for the better in the eyes of today's youth in particular,

with it anyway, would the discovery of new discoveries related to how to dress or new models of clothes today. This development was Followed by the dominance of men and women were included in the teen category. accordance with the general knowledge, the which is where today's teens are teens WHO have high intention to follow the times and do not want to miss. then it is exactly the subject of the main problems that lead to the development of the industry Increased quite dramatically. 

back to the title of this article, that Because things have concluded above, According to the views of others with good looks and modern then that person can be classified into Reviews those that have a good personality. it can not be denied. the logic in starting the first introduction to someone WHO was once seen physically. physical terms the question is how to dress and the model of the clothes worn by the person. if the person we know who Previously wanted to wear clothes that do not fit the criteria of clothing this time then we will immediately judge the person that he is outdated or that does not comply with current moral. moral question is probably the person in the sense of wearing clothes that are not polite. it is also becoming the laughing stock they are very up to date.

such examples are: a man who apply for the job to a reputable company in a city with a messy Categorized using the clothes are wearing short-sleeved shirt, blue jeans and sandals. temporary employee who is wearing a suit, tie, pants and shoes Kepler committee. then believe me you will not be accepted Because The first sight that is not pleasing to the eye. appearance differs from adolescent teenagers today are using new models clothing models clothing and leave first. Generally more dominant women dress like men WHO in accordance with the changing times. 

then try to keep abreast of the current era to be better in the eyes of others. with the times in question is not meant to be wearing branded clothing and has a price, but wear attire NAMAs in the eyes of the general public at this time. although the price is not expensive, but the style of clothing you wear has Become quite good condition in the eyes of the general public.

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